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                         and..GO SLEEP WITH SATISFACTION  ''

I have read more than 50 autobiography of many effective people.there is only one thing common among them which they are early riser .........
and it has been scientifically proved that who wake early they get more benefits like positive attitudes ,positive thoughts as well as more energies than others.

Today majority of the people are sleep deprived and sleep problems have more links to mental health than you


Good sleep
A good sleep always helps  you more in various kind of activities like your  study , health issues and your personal lifestyle also ...... often students said that he always goes to sleep without efforts in his daily life. but its not a good indication for his future life these things he know very well.
some point we are discussing how to improve ....

follow a fundamental rule........early to bed early to rise 

  • Keep your room well lighted. 
  • Drink lot of water.
  • Take light meal .
  • Sit on chair not on bed . 

Before go to bed keep in mind and do these things

We should  take bath before sleep because around 70% of water contain in our body and if we put the water on our body then it removes all stress and they purely purify your mental problem 

  • We should train our body to ready to sleep
  • Drink some water for proper sleep .
  • Take a regular and proper routine to sleep at right time right place right position
  • Before 1 hour we should off the lights and use small lamp to study. 
  • Keep the curtain half open to sleep because morning lights comes in your room & its  help to wake up in morning .
  • If possible then burn a small lamp in his room before sleep .
  • Think what you have completed today 

In Morning

To wake up by the ringing of alarm is not the good habit of a person.
if we sleep today then around 2.5 lac people will not wake up in next morning because of nature rule.
if  you wake up in  next morning then  it's  a  wonderful moment for you and your surrounded relative .

Sometimes many people wake up in mid night ........... he should stretch your body at that time and
Reading a book can relax your mind without technology.

 if you are regularly wake up in mid night then consult your doctor because it might be a serious problem.

Early riser 

If you really want to wake up early and planing something big in following days or want to achieve particular targets like exam preparation , commence new business anythings with a new  ideas then use this

   ''you should go to bed before half an hour of sleeping time'''

Early birds have greater levels of happiness and are at a lower risk of depression compared to those who are night owls**   

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WRITTEN BY ..........

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